Why women are voting for Trump? Many women have been distracted from the real issues. We are supposed to be voting for the best President, not gender. Continue Reading

Why women are voting for Trump? Many women have been distracted from the real issues. We are supposed to be voting for the best President, not gender. Continue Reading
By: Carl Rullmann To the uninformed, “Separation of Church and State” can sound very logical. But the interpretation of the phrase by Democrats (liberals, progressives, socialists, etc.) has no logic at all in history, from Biblical times to today. During my recent home confinement due to cancer surgery, et al, history has come even more… Continue Reading
Written By: Randy Simmons, In the history of Presidential Elections, the 2016 race will likely go down as the most divisive and nasty election in history. Most Americans by now are suffering from election fatigue and are looking for it coming to an end on Nov. 8th. Although all Americans have a stake in the… Continue Reading
By: Peter Stuhlreyer Tuesday is voting day. Unlike buying health insurance, you are still free to choose whether or not to vote. If you choose to vote, there will be many choices, including the one for POTUS. Some of you may ignore politics altogether, and I envy that to some degree. Others of you… Continue Reading
Alan McIntyre is a Frederick Douglas Republican in Cincinnati who has produced an important video that shows the deceit and trickery of the Democrats. It explores reasons why people are rejecting Democrats in favor of Trump. Continue Reading
By Randy Simmons, West Chester OH In my recent article “Which Version of the American Dream are you Fighting for in this Election”, I made the point that all of our presidential candidates have character flaws and that it is important to keep in mind that this election is more than just about the candidates… Continue Reading
By: Randy Simmons, West Chester, OH To my Fellow Americans who are wavering on what to do with your vote this November because you’re unhappy with either / both the Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump; There is still time for them to win you over however, come November, If neither has… Continue Reading
By: Carl Rullmann, West Chester, Ohio The Democrats have their candidate. The Republicans have their candidate. The motives of the two are more varied than they have ever been—a contrast of the highest degree. Church people likely look at these issues in a different light than non-church people. We recognize the changes in values, principles,… Continue Reading