West Chester Township Politics And Issues

James P. Reilly West Chester Precinct 37



James P. Reilly Candidate for Republican Central Committee

Precinct WC37

 West Chester Ohio May 6th Primary Election

I’m a very lucky person. First born child of great parents who worked very hard to ensure I received a good base education at a parochial school. I had the privilege of serving our country in the United States Navy. I was use the G.I. bill to attend a great national college. All of those wonderful things at the beginning of my life have allowed me to obtain great jobs that I have worked for the past 46 years.

Well, I am getting close to retirement age and it would be easy for me to look back and reflect upon the ‘good ole’ years the fade off and and just have fun, but I cannot!

I cannot sit back and watch our politicians sell us down the river. They spend more and more every day, and I know it’s coming from my children’s future, not mine. With what time I have left, I’m going to work hard to ensure YOUR family will not have to see their earnings, if they even have a job, go to a ravenous government that knows no bounds for giving away money.

They give away millions and millions to countries, some who openly profess to want to see us fail!

They raise the debt limit every year and the justifying this behavior by saying, ‘We need to pay for what we’ve bought already…’ then they go on spending and spending and spending. I wish finance management worked that way, but that is a fantasy. At some point it has to stop.

As an unpaid central committee representative, I will do everything I possibly can to protect your children and grandchildren from the never ending avarice of an out of control government. Like so many other true Americans, I stand by a traditional set of principles:

1] That all powers not expressly delegated to the Federal government are the sole domain of the states, as set forth by the Founding Fathers in Article 10 of the U. S. Constitution.

2] That public funds should be treated in a fiscally responsible manner.

3] That government should be limited as envisioned by the Founding Fathers and for the reasons that they stated.

4] That the rule of law and its uniform application should be followed at all levels of government and society.

5] That the national sovereignty of the United States is absolute, and its proper defense and security of her borders are just.

6] That the personal rights and responsibilities of every U.S. citizen are inalienable, as expressed by the Founding Fathers.

7] That the free market is the basis of all business conducted within our borders.

I also believe that it is the duty of every U.S. citizen to hold every candidate of every political party to these standards and to vote accordingly.

If you believe change can be made, it can. It starts here and now!

I will work for you, for free.

I will do everything I can to stop the decline, starting right here in West Chester.

I wish for a better future for your children and grandchildren.

If you agree with me then I would appreciate your vote on May 6th.

Remember these famous words most closely associated with former U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill: “All politics is local.” Vote!

James P. Reilly

Candidate for Republican Central Committee

Precinct WC37