West Chester Township Politics And Issues



Common Core In Ohio

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Rotten To The Core

Other than Obamacare, I don’t recall a single issue that has garnered more opposition in such a short time as has the issue of Common Core. As a father of a 4th grader in the Lakota School system and a resident of West Chester Township and editor/manager of West Chester Town Hall, I am going to add this to my list of pet projects . The purpose will be to help cut through all the online banter and consolidate information, resources and links. This will help fellow residents of  West Chester and Ohio understand What it is and why so many people oppose it.

Below are some resources for you to educate yourself to the facts,  we will also dig into Common Core, in a series of articles to help people understand why it’s important to oppose it in Ohio.

here_to_help-300x231Do you want to see our schools run like the IRS, Post Office, Obamacare and Homeland Security?

Online Resources for Common Core

http://www.corestandards.org/(domain owned by NGA)


Sneaking Politics Into Classrooms

(it didn’t take them long to prove the concerns valid)


No To Common Core:



Groups in Ohio leading the charge against Common Core (who to support)

First, let me say that I personally recommend against donating money to some State and National Organizations. Many liberty and Tea Party groups use issues such as this as a way to fund raise off of emotion. Some spend more on raising funds than they do fighting the cause they claim to be fighting. Others funnel much of the funds to consultants and even family members. You can and should do your own research. I’m going to be exposing the cronyism inside of some of the Liberty Groups and Organizations in an upcoming article.

Second, many of these Liberty Groups backed the Republican supported “Third Grade Reading Guarantee” that strips parents from the decision to hold their child back .

Ohioans Against Common Core – They do not solicit donations, Offer printable handouts for local efforts. This is a State Organization. Contact them at info@ohioansagainstcommoncore.com

Fight Common Core – Donations go to American Principles Project. This is a National Organization (created 5 part videos above)


Elections Have Consequences (and so does opposing the will of the people)

This article discusses how elected officials have discounted and even mocked parents as “tin foil conspiracy nuts”.

Common Core: The Biggest Election Issue Washington Prefers to Ignore

We will collect the names of all those that support Common Core in Ohio and post a PDF here so parents know who to can in the 2014 elections.