West Chester Township Politics And Issues

Category Archives: Reflections By Rullman

Articles by Carl Rullmann

Commitment to U.S. Constitution

Commitment to U.S. Constitution

Commitment to U.S. Constitution   Presented Nov. 8, 2013 by Carl Rullmann at Salute to Veterans program presented by PrimeTimers at Faith Community United Methodist Church, Cox Road, West Chester.   The history of the world is by and large about conflict between nations.  Nations defend themselves. Corruption in government leads to aggression as evil… Continue Reading

Another Bit of Freedom Gone

Another Bit of Freedom Gone

Another Bit of Freedom Gone Guest Article, Author: Carl Rullmann Congressman John Boehner has ostensibly kept in contact with constituents by providing a Staff Representative to visit various locations within his district and meet with them for an hour each month.  These meetings amounted to miniature “town halls,” with varying numbers of constituents, each having… Continue Reading

Govt Spending of Unbudgeted Revenue

Govt Spending of Unbudgeted Revenue

Govt. Spending of Unbudgeted Revenue Government entities may derive income from sources other than taxation.When that occurs, the money, nonetheless, belongs to the citizens, who, thru elected representatives, enable government officials to dispense these funds. This power is derived under our system from the “Consent of the governed,” a (successful) political theory (adopted by our… Continue Reading