West Chester Township Politics And Issues

Monthly Archives: August 2012

Aim Small…Miss Small

Aim Small…Miss Small

All Politics is Local During the filming of “The Patriot”, When teaching Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger how to shoot a muzzle-loading rifle, technical advisor Mark Baker gave them the advice to “aim small, miss small”, meaning that if you aim at a man and miss, you miss the man, while if you aim at… Continue Reading

Tylersville Headed Step Child?

Tylersville Headed Step Child?

Who did Tylersville road tick off? If Tylesville road was a child, it is the red headed step child of West Chester and Butler County. Tylersville road seems like the love child of a marriage between Colerain and Beechmont Avenue, the Frankenstein monsters of road design. Every attempt to fix the problem of access and… Continue Reading

Govt Spending of Unbudgeted Revenue

Govt Spending of Unbudgeted Revenue

Govt. Spending of Unbudgeted Revenue Government entities may derive income from sources other than taxation.When that occurs, the money, nonetheless, belongs to the citizens, who, thru elected representatives, enable government officials to dispense these funds. This power is derived under our system from the “Consent of the governed,” a (successful) political theory (adopted by our… Continue Reading

Follow us on Twitter

We’ve created the official West Chester Town Hall twitter account. Follow us at @WestChesterTH We’ll be adding a few twitter features in the next few days, one will be for a hashtag based feed to get your tweets to show on our twitter feed page. Another feature we are still testing is live chat using… Continue Reading

Official Launch-West Chester Town Hall

West Chester Town Hall is officially up and running! First, we are not associated with any government organization and the site itself is Apolitical. All ideas are welcome. There are two categories of articles, regular authors and guest authors. You may request to become a regular author if you A) have an existing blog or… Continue Reading